Our Work

Our Work
Butterflies of the Atlantic Flyway Alliance (BAFA)
Migratory butterflies are valuable pollinators, but are poorly understood. BAFA is a partnership of coastal resource managers and volunteers focused on documenting migratory butterfly species and abundance from August to November. Through weekly migration counts and habitat surveys, volunteers collect information on the ecological roles of the butterflies while learning more about coastal ecology and environmental stewardship. BAFA partners will use this citizen science data to develop land and habitat management recommendations for use in the southeastern coastal plain.

Our Work
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers from LSSI’s local community help with a great variety of projects on the island, including native plant management, invasive plant removal, habitat restoration, and wildlife surveys. Through volunteer engagement, the Center for Coastal Conservation aims to provide educational opportunities for our local conservation community. Many of our volunteers are involved with other organizations as well, fostering an active network of coastal naturalists and environmental advocates.
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